Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Two Extremes

Church of the Spoken Wheel     

There are times when it feels good to test the body, but even better to test the mind.  Happy, happy, joy, joy!  I got to test both twice this week!  Forgive my sarcasm.  I just find it a bit amusing that two of my rides worked me over in more ways than one within a three day span.

Michael cooling off around mile 60
First, I had the pleasure of riding with my Sunday group "Church of the Spoken Wheel".  About a month ago, during idle chatter, we set a date for a century.  Michael, being the kind leader that he is, set the route.  Of course at that time we had no way of knowing it would be 95 degrees with a 65-70 dew point.  Being the bull-headed crew that we are, we decided to ride anyway.  Actually, it wasn't all that bad.  In fact, I would even say it was fun.  Although we all slowed down a bit during the last forty miles, we all made it home safely and checked off our first century of the season.

My second little adventure occurred this morning.  I had become complacent over the past few months.  Checking the radar for rain hadn't been an issue since we were without rain for two months.  While getting ready for an early ride before work, I heard the unmistakable sound of light rain.  A quick glance at the sky showed blue pockets opening up so of course I thought I was safe.  Note to self:  NEVER trust the voice that says "No worries, it will clear up in the first few miles."  One mile into my ride and the heavens opened up.  Within seconds, I was actually making a wake with my wheels.  Although it felt good--I had been as parched as the ground--knowing that I'd have a 40 mile ride in wet shoes and shorts didn't exactly appeal to me.  Can you say chaffing?  Cell number one passed quickly and I thought I was in the clear.  Hah!  Cell number two came crashing down with bolts of lightning.  Any smart person would have headed for shelter, but no, that bull-headedness came rushing back.  About forty minutes into my ride, the skies finally cleared and I was treated to mist and fog hovering above the corn fields.  I could almost hear them sigh with relief. 

Riding in harsh conditions must be like giving birth.  The moment it's over, I think "That wasn't so bad."  I will most likely be beaten down by several mothers for even dare comparing the two.  What I'm really trying to say, is that I'll likely ride in both conditions again...soon.

See...we all have smiles on our faces towards the end of the century

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